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Three years ago, I left the tech company I was working for to focus on being a mom. I was torn between the career I loved and the young son who I knew wanted me home more. Also wrapped in the middle of this conflict was my dream of writing. It took me two years […]

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Last week the thing my Father loved the most was towed peacefully from Commencement Bay to a scrap metal yard in Texas. On a gray day when the water was smooth his beloved ship made her final voyage past his home. He stood on his deck, camera in hand and watched as her old metal […]


Celebrating Father’s Day for the first time without you…  Read on March 26, 2016 @ Rich Griffith’s Celebration of Life In the final weeks of my father’s life, we asked him, “How would you like people to celebrate you once you are gone?” “No party,” he grumbled. “No party.” Let me tell you something about […]